“ Engage your core.”
This is a phrase that is used constantly in the fitness world but what does it actually mean?
In short, stand up straight, tighten your abs and squeeze your glutes. This is the single most important fitness concept I can teach you.
The core doesn’t just include your abs (the 6-pack area) and obliques (the “love handles” portion of the abdomen), it also encompasses your entire midsection; the muscles of the pelvic floor, the middle and lower back and your glutes. Basically, every part of your body except your arms, legs and head.
Developing your core strength and using your core correctly while moving helps the body maintain balance and stability, and move more efficiently.
Core strength is part of the solution to rehabbing previous or existing injuries and an essential element in preventing future injuries.
The muscles of the core are needed to improve posture, and improved posture will make you feel better and look better.
Engaging your core
First stand up straight. Imagine there is a string attached to the top of your head and that someone is pulling the crown of your head up toward the ceiling.
Angle your sternum up so that it is in front of your shoulders. As a reference, puff your chest out like a redneck about to get into a bar fight. Your shoulders should be in a neutral position in the middle of the socket. (As opposed to rounded and shrugging up toward your ears.)
Elongate your spine to its maximum length. Don’t curve your spine or hunch over.
Now, use the muscles in your stomach to draw your bellybutton back toward the vertebrae.
Squeeze your glutes.
You are going to need to engage your core to perform any physical activity whether it be biceps curls, squat jumps or carrying grocery bags.
Remember: Be sure to keep your chest up, shoulders back and down in the socket, elongate your torso, hips back, and squeeze your glutes.
Avoid rounding shoulders or curving your spine.
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