SOFI Marshall


X Behind the head

X Behind the head

- 10 reps

This Guy

This Guy

- 10 reps

Reach and Open

Reach and Open

- 10 reps

Palms Out and Up

Palms Out and Up

- 10 reps

March in Place

March in Place

- 10 reps per side

Standing Kick Butts

Standing Kick Butts

- 10 reps per side

Wide Stance Inside Heel Taps

Wide Stance Inside Heel Taps

- 10 reps per side


1) Mobility/ Dynamic Movement



- Start from standing position with knees and toes facing forward.

- Be sure to get all the way out to a push up position. Pause slightly there. Your core should be completely engaged.

- Be sure to return to a full stand before going into the next rep.



- Keep each movement separate. Pause briefly in each position before moving on to the next one.

- Try to place your feet down as gently as possible.

Hip Flexor Stretch from Push Up Position

Hip Flexor Stretch from Push Up Position

- Soft landings on your feet

- Torso should be completely elongated before you twist

Reach and Back Jumping Jack

Reach and Back Jumping Jack

- Keep core tight as your hips move back and your arms reach forward.

- The “Reach and Back” portion of the exercise should be slow and controlled. The jumping jack is fast.

Toes-to-Sky Hop

Toes-to-Sky Hop

- Reach toward the floor without rounding shoulders or curving spine. If you can’t get all the way to the floor without rounding shoulders, go as far as you can.

- Swing up at the waist creating momentum with your hips to bring your body back to standing position.

- Soft landings as you come back down from the hop.

Medicine Ball Overhead Ball Slam

Medicine Ball Overhead Ball Slam

- The weight of the ball isn’t important. This is about body positioning.

- Hips swing back and back remains flat on the “down” part of the exercise.

- Explode from the hips as you bring the ball overhead.

2) Lower Body

Against the Wall - Stability Ball Squat

Against the Wall - Stability Ball Squat

- The ball should be placed just above your butt.

- Stand up straight with feet out in front of your torso.

- Move your hips back behind you and slowly use the ball to move closer to the floor.

Lunges - Left Side

Lunges - Left Side

- Keep your upper body aligned: chest up: shoulders aligned with hips.

- Don’t worry about getting all the way down to the ground. Go as far as you can without compromising upper body positioning.

- Avoid knees-over toes by squeezing glutes as you move up and down.

Lunges - Right Side

Lunges - Right Side

- Keep your upper body aligned: chest up: shoulders aligned with hips.

- Don’t worry about getting all the way down to the ground. Go as far as you can without compromising upper body positioning.

- Avoid knees-over toes by squeezing glutes as you move up and down.

Bodyweight Squat

Bodyweight Squat

- The first thing that happens with the lower body is that your hips move back. As your butt starts moving lower to the ground, your hips need to keep moving behind you. This will prevent your knees from coming over your toes.

- Keep your core engaged to prevent over-arching of the back.

- To stabilize the upper body: squeeze your shoulder blades together so the chest stays at maximum width (think of puffing your chest out like a trash-talking redneck about to get in a bar fight.)

- Final body positioning from the top of your head to the bottom of your butt isn’t a straight line-- it’s diagonal.

Glute Bridge with Medicine Ball

Glute Bridge with Medicine Ball

- Be sure to squeeze the glutes. You will likely feel this in your lower and middle back-- that's okay.

3) Core

Stability Ball Pass

Stability Ball Pass

- Entire torso should be touching the floor throughout your entire set.

-As little bend in the knees as possible. This is a core exercise, not a lower body exercise.

-1 complete rep= the pass from hands to feet, the lowering of the ball with the legs as the arms move back overhead, and the pass from feet back to hands.

Bird Dog

Bird Dog

- Be sure the leg in the air is completely straight. People cheat this all the time.

- Your body is going to want to lean to the side toward the knee on the ground. You are going to have to fight that by shifting your weight toward the leg in the air.

- Don’t rush

Sit Back

Sit Back

- Sit Up straight with legs out in front of you, as much bend in the knees as is necessary.

- With your arms straight out in front of you and relaxed shoulders, lean back as far as you can without rounding shoulders or curving spine. Pause.

Plank Hold

Plank Hold

- Watch out for sagging back and rounding shoulders. Remember to breathe.

ISO-Prone Cobra

ISO-Prone Cobra

1) Facedown, palms facing the floor.

2) Pull your shoulder blades together and hold.

3) From there, lift your sternum off the floor and tuck your chin to your sternum. (Imagine trying to look at your bellybutton.)

4) Hold this position for a 3-count and then release.

4) Upper Body

Scapular Push Up

Scapular Push Up

- As your chest moves toward floor, squeeze shoulder blades.

- As you come back up, think of it more as pushing back than pushing up with the bottom part of the palm.

- When you return to starting position, pause for a moment and then press down on your palms as you allow your body to become concave.

Angled Lawnmower Rows - Left Side

Angled Lawnmower Rows - Left Side

- You don’t need to use a bench. You can use anything that allows you to keep your chest forward, shoulders in neutral position with maximum engagement of the core

- The DB moves back at an angle. Think from your bellybutton to just outside the rib cage.

- Keep the DB low-- the top of the DB should be parallel with the bottom of your rib cage at the end of the row.

Angled Lawnmower Rows - Right Side

Angled Lawnmower Rows - Right Side

- You don’t need to use a bench. You can use anything that allows you to keep your chest forward, shoulders in neutral position with maximum engagement of the core

- The DB moves back at an angle. Think from your bellybutton to just outside the rib cage.

- Keep the DB low-- the top of the DB should be parallel with the bottom of your rib cage at the end of the row.

Chest Press lying on the floor

Chest Press lying on the floor

- Shoulder blades, glutes and small of the back should be on the floor the entire time.

- Elbows should be angled in toward the body not flared out.

- Be sure to keep the movement slow and controlled as you lower the weight back down to the floor.

Resistance band overhand overhead pull aparts

Resistance band overhand overhead pull aparts

- Squeeze shoulder blades together as you pull apart.

- Keep your wrists straight.

- Keep your core engaged. Don’t let your pelvis come forward.

Resistance Band Neutral Grip Pull Apart

Resistance Band Neutral Grip Pull Apart

- Keep wrists straight and squeeze your shoulder blades together

Shoulder Press Neutral Grip

Shoulder Press Neutral Grip

- The dumbells should be lined up in front of the shoulders.

- Avoid letting your pelvis come forward as you press up.

Triceps Dip

Triceps Dip

- You might look at this gif and think my hands are in a weird position. This is intentional. Palms are facing out (fingertips facing away from the rest of my body.) This will keep your shoulders from internally rotating as you dip.

- Hands are right outside the thighs

- Keep your core tight and chest forward as you move up and down

- Keep your hips back, watch out for the pelvis swinging forward. Your tailbone should practically be brushing up against the bench.

Biceps Curl

Biceps Curl

- Keep your shoulders out of it. The point of your elbow should be parallel with the floor in the curl position.

- Be sure your arms make it all the way down on the way back and pause slightly before going into the next rep.



- Hold each position for 5 seconds


- Hold each position for 5 seconds

Reach Under and Open

Reach Under and Open

- REPS: 5 per side (10 in total) with 3-count hold

Knee Roll Overs

Knee Roll Overs

- REPS: 5 per side (10 in total) with 3-count hold

Hold for 10 seconds

Hold for 10 seconds

Hold for 10 seconds

Hold for 10 seconds

Hold for 10 seconds

Hold for 10 seconds

Hold for 10 seconds

Hold for 10 seconds